The entire evaluation of student’s progress is based upon CCE pattern. So, it is essential to understand the CCE method of evaluation in detail.
What is Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) ?
It is a process to provide holistic profile of the learner through regular assessment of Scholastic and Co – scholastics domains of development.
The scheme aims at making evaluation an integral part of teaching learning process.
The scheme focuses on all round development of the personality of the learner.
The scheme also envisages improving on – going teaching learning process by diagnosing the learning gaps and offering corrective and enrichment input.
CCE scheme brings about a paradigm shift from examination to effective pedagogy.
What does “Continuous” in CCE mean?
It focuses, on regularity and continuity in assessment.
The term continuous means that the assessment is to be completely integrated with the process of teaching and learning.
The term also refers to diagnosis of learning gaps and providing remedial measures to enhance levels of learning while providing support to students so that they can develop / improve their skills.
What does “Comprehensive” in CCE means?
It includes assessment of holistic development of the learners including cognitive and psychomotor domains.
The term also includes use of variety of tools and techniques for assessment of the learners.
What does “Scholastic & Co – scholastic” mean?
The term ‘Scholastic’ refers to those aspects which are related to intellect or the brain. It includes assessments of learner in circular subjects, assignments, project work, practical oral work etc.
The term ‘Co – scholastic’ refers to those aspects which are related to hand and heart. Those include psychomotor skills, physical development, life skills, attitude, values, interests and participation in co - curricular activities.
CCE helps in reducing stress of students by –
Identifying learning progress of students at regular time intervals on small portion of content.
Employing a variety of remedial measures of teaching based on learning needs and potential of different students.
Desisting from using negative comments on the learner’s performance.
Encouraging learning through employment of a Variety of teaching aids and techniques.
Involve learners actively in the learning process, recognizing and encouraging specific abilities of students, who do not excel in academics but perform well in other co – curricular areas.
CCE helps in improving student’s performance by identifying his / her learning difficulties at regular time intervals right from the beginning of the academic session and employing suitable remedial measures for enhancing their learning performance